Meirav Foukx
מירב פוקס
Special Project Manager
Meirav Foukx
מירב פוקס
Meirav Foukx
Meirav has been a Somatologist for over 30 years. Her passion is to make people look and feel fantastic.
Her love for music started when she was 6 years old when she started playing the piono and later sang in her school choir
From the age of 11 she got involved in production and event planning when she got involved in her local bat-mitzvah club, projects at school and later on in her community.
In 2011 she got involved with an organisation called Chaiyanu (part of the chai life-line branch in Israel) which helps facilitate children suffering from cancer.
She ran a special project called The hope Tour.
As the Senior Project Manager of The Hope Tour she organised an all exepenses paid trip for the children of Chaiyanu to come from Israel to South Africa.
She believes that the only way people can heal is through music, dance and prayer which ultimately brings true happiness.
She decided to contact Gad Elbaz in 2012 as a big fan of his music where she asked him to come to perform in South Africa as part of The Hope Tour.
But, that was only the beginning...
Over the past few years her relationship with Hoshen productions has blossomed and Gad Elbaz soon came back to perform in 2013, 2014, 2015 and in 2016. During his second tour of South Africa Gad Elbaz brought Tal Vaknin along with him as a special guest star to perform for South African fans all around the country.
In 2018 Shlomi Cohen introduced Meirav to Danny Finkelman where Danny asked her to be the line producer for the music video for Nissim Black’s hit “Fly Away”.
In 2020 Shlomi Cohen has asked Meirav to join Hoshen Productions to fulfill her new role as “special projects manager”.